Monday, October 13, 2008

Save More and Consume less

In this artical Zakaria talks about the finatial crises that the United States is going though and the U.S. is in debt for about 10.2 trillion dollars Zakaria also talks about what we should do to try and stop it and how we can get out of this with out . He mentions that we should save more and consume less and i agree with him that we should save as much as we can and just use what we need to get throguh the times of the mini depression. Then when we finally get out of the crises we can go and live once agian.

Another way the people of the U.S. can stop this is buy gitting rid of some credit cards on average every house hold has 13 cards that are in debt and that they cant repay so if the teens of this world decide to not get as many credit card or only get 1 or 2 and keep them paid off mabey the world wont have as much truoble keeping out of debt. They can also save money insted of spending it on stuff they dont need like brand new cars when they allready have 3 that run perfectly fine. Insted they can put that money away and save it for time that may be hard like now when the market is crashing.

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