Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Ths artical talks about the bailout plan that was passed through congress that failed the first time and then they tryed agian and got it passed. Samuelson thinks that the bailout plan is going to cause banks do close and make the us crash and go into a nother depersion like the one in 1929. With unimployment increceing rapidly the us is startig to fall apart

They say that the 700 billion dollar bailout will save banks and other financial institutions With unemployment rising cautious consumers have curbed spending. Economies abroad are slowing hurting U.S. exports. Banks and other financial institutions will suffer more losses buy the unemployment and people will save there money insted of puting it in a bank.

The one difference from the 1920s and now is they government is way more involved with the carsh then in the 1920s. in 1920 there was 3% of the government involed and today there is 20% and they are acting alot quicker

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