Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The LHC was biult to so that Scientists can see if they can recreate the Big Bang and discover dark matter or dark energy. I think they should go on with the experiment to find dark matter beacuse if they do no they wont move foward and they will never know if it exsits or not even if the world ends it is worth the try and if the world dose end the black hole that was crated can make a new galexy and the world would have to recreate its self but thats not the point they need to move on to get to higher point in life.
If the balck hole dosnt happen and they discover dark matter it could be use as a new power suorce to power the worlds cars and even help use get farther in to space with less fuel and more power behind the spaceship. The dark matter would be alot cheaper than gas to make and mabey some day they will be able to make a afordable spaceship every one can have that runs off dark matter.

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