Friday, September 12, 2008

Binge Drinking

Drinking underage as been hapining since they made the law of drinking. Kids have been geting drunk at the age of 14- 20 for years a parties and from there parents not careing. Kids that have dinken underage have died from to much alcohol or geting in car crashes.

I disagree with lowering the age of drinking down to 18 because whne u are 18 u are either just geting out of high school or still in high school. If you are able to drink right out of high school u are more likely to not go to collage or and succseed in life because you will get adicted to the acohol and spen all the money you make on it. Or you wont have the modovation you did to go to collage.

Binge Drinking is a bad thing and no one should drink i think they should just get ride of alcohol or at least leave it at the 21 and just make the law more strict about it. If they lower it to 18 more kids will begin to drink and that will cause more problems because once they know they can start drinking younger and younger kids will want to get involved and start drinking.

If the Binge drinker were aloud to drink when ever they wanter to the would use alcohol to calm them down then if any one makes them mad when there drunk they could go on a violent rampage and do stuff they may regret. Or people will have sex way befor they are ready and wiith out knowing they are doing it beacuse they are completly drunk at 18.

Geting pregnet at 18 could ruin some peoples life beacuse say to people go to a party they get drunk and they lose all the sence they have and they decide to go have sex she gets pregnet and they dont even know each other morning comes around the guy is gone she dosnt know what happend a a month or two later she finds out shes pregnat and by that happing it ruins her plan of going to collage she as to depend on her parents to take care of her and she cant work because of the bady.

That is why i dont think they should lower the age to 18 becuase to much stuff can happen at the age of 18 and at least at 21 you have a few more years of being an adult to make better choses.

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