After I graduate from high school my plans are to go to a junior college and then move on to a 4 year one and this is where i plan on going and why.
I want to go to Shasta college for a couple of reasons which are i want to go to a junior college to try and see if i like what i want to be which is a architect and at shasta i can see if i want to persue my dream of go after other jobs. Ive also wanted to be a HP officer and if i decide i do not like being or becomeing a architect far any reason i will have the opertunity to go after that carrer when im 21 i can join and do that.
I hope to follow my plan at being a architect and takeing 2 years at shasta collage and likeing it and then moveing on to a 4 year to get me moveing along I plan on going to a college in ohio most likely ITT Technical Institute for CAD. I plan on going to ohio to be with people i care about or if everything goes wrong and thats to far away i can go to any of the ITT Tech colleges.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Nice bailout, Now Pay for it"
I dont think we should bail them out for a couple of resons one is that the taxes of the people would increase and the people that have taken the loans would have to pat high taxes and that would just but them in a bigger hole so i dont see how bailing them out of there debt will help them when they just have to turn around and pay higher taxes. The money is comeing from to bail them out of the tax payers money. SO i think that they sould bail them selves out and not depend on others when ever the maket goes down. Because of takeing out a loan to buy a new boat or car they sould just save their money and put it away.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Binge Drinking
Drinking underage as been hapining since they made the law of drinking. Kids have been geting drunk at the age of 14- 20 for years a parties and from there parents not careing. Kids that have dinken underage have died from to much alcohol or geting in car crashes.
I disagree with lowering the age of drinking down to 18 because whne u are 18 u are either just geting out of high school or still in high school. If you are able to drink right out of high school u are more likely to not go to collage or and succseed in life because you will get adicted to the acohol and spen all the money you make on it. Or you wont have the modovation you did to go to collage.
Binge Drinking is a bad thing and no one should drink i think they should just get ride of alcohol or at least leave it at the 21 and just make the law more strict about it. If they lower it to 18 more kids will begin to drink and that will cause more problems because once they know they can start drinking younger and younger kids will want to get involved and start drinking.
If the Binge drinker were aloud to drink when ever they wanter to the would use alcohol to calm them down then if any one makes them mad when there drunk they could go on a violent rampage and do stuff they may regret. Or people will have sex way befor they are ready and wiith out knowing they are doing it beacuse they are completly drunk at 18.
Geting pregnet at 18 could ruin some peoples life beacuse say to people go to a party they get drunk and they lose all the sence they have and they decide to go have sex she gets pregnet and they dont even know each other morning comes around the guy is gone she dosnt know what happend a a month or two later she finds out shes pregnat and by that happing it ruins her plan of going to collage she as to depend on her parents to take care of her and she cant work because of the bady.
That is why i dont think they should lower the age to 18 becuase to much stuff can happen at the age of 18 and at least at 21 you have a few more years of being an adult to make better choses.
I disagree with lowering the age of drinking down to 18 because whne u are 18 u are either just geting out of high school or still in high school. If you are able to drink right out of high school u are more likely to not go to collage or and succseed in life because you will get adicted to the acohol and spen all the money you make on it. Or you wont have the modovation you did to go to collage.
Binge Drinking is a bad thing and no one should drink i think they should just get ride of alcohol or at least leave it at the 21 and just make the law more strict about it. If they lower it to 18 more kids will begin to drink and that will cause more problems because once they know they can start drinking younger and younger kids will want to get involved and start drinking.
If the Binge drinker were aloud to drink when ever they wanter to the would use alcohol to calm them down then if any one makes them mad when there drunk they could go on a violent rampage and do stuff they may regret. Or people will have sex way befor they are ready and wiith out knowing they are doing it beacuse they are completly drunk at 18.
Geting pregnet at 18 could ruin some peoples life beacuse say to people go to a party they get drunk and they lose all the sence they have and they decide to go have sex she gets pregnet and they dont even know each other morning comes around the guy is gone she dosnt know what happend a a month or two later she finds out shes pregnat and by that happing it ruins her plan of going to collage she as to depend on her parents to take care of her and she cant work because of the bady.
That is why i dont think they should lower the age to 18 becuase to much stuff can happen at the age of 18 and at least at 21 you have a few more years of being an adult to make better choses.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Price of our Addiction
The united states have been trying to come up with ways to save gas they have been trying to make hybrid cars but have not gome very far with it. I think that they are are geting close to haveing cars that run off of water and or elcetricity and if they are able to get a car to run off of water we wont have a pbroblem with fuel. I think they sould just stop bying oil and figger out a way to make energy with out it wether they use wind solar or water they just need to figuier out a way to stop buying forigen oil becuase we are the ones paying for it as the price just keeps geting higher and higher. My family has helped us in the propblem with gas we sold our fard dualy gas hog that was eating a fast 11 MPG and bought a hybrid that gets 35-40 MPG as far as heating goes we need to work on that because my parents are the worst at saveing money with that they always have the heater runing in the winter. I think the best alternitve is to come up with a new energy sorce or use water to power our cars and stop buying forign oil.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The LHC was biult to so that Scientists can see if they can recreate the Big Bang and discover dark matter or dark energy. I think they should go on with the experiment to find dark matter beacuse if they do no they wont move foward and they will never know if it exsits or not even if the world ends it is worth the try and if the world dose end the black hole that was crated can make a new galexy and the world would have to recreate its self but thats not the point they need to move on to get to higher point in life.
If the balck hole dosnt happen and they discover dark matter it could be use as a new power suorce to power the worlds cars and even help use get farther in to space with less fuel and more power behind the spaceship. The dark matter would be alot cheaper than gas to make and mabey some day they will be able to make a afordable spaceship every one can have that runs off dark matter.
If the balck hole dosnt happen and they discover dark matter it could be use as a new power suorce to power the worlds cars and even help use get farther in to space with less fuel and more power behind the spaceship. The dark matter would be alot cheaper than gas to make and mabey some day they will be able to make a afordable spaceship every one can have that runs off dark matter.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sir Ywain

Sir Ywain also known as Owain, Yvain, Ewain or Uwain. He is a knight of the Round Table and the son of King Urien in Arthurian legend. Ywain was one of the earliest characters associated with King Arthur. Ywain is one of Arthur's top warriors and plays a game of chess against him while the Saxons prepare to fight the Battle of Badon While men in the battle inform arthur that his squiers are being slaughterd. Ywain was famous in his own day for fighting for Rheged against the Angles of Bernicia. He inherited the throne at Urien's death but was killed soon after. The valor and bravery of OYain and Urien was celebrated by their bard Taliesin. Ywain seeks to avenge his cousin Calogrenant who had been defeated by an otherworldly knight. Ywain defeats the knight, Esclados and falls in love with laudine the widow of Escaldos. Soon after there marage gawain convinces Ywain to embark on chivalric adventure. Ywain becomes so enthralled in his knightly exploits that he forgets his lady and goes mad with grief, but eventually decides to win back his love.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My 3 Heros
The first person that is my hero is my dad he is my hero beacuse he looks after me takes care of me and is there to listen when im in trouble of thought.He played games with me when i was younger and was always strong when thing went wrong in his life or mine.He never let me give up he always encouraged me and lead me in the right path.
my second hero is my friend from reno beacuse he is always there for me when ever i need help with a problem or if i need a place to go if need a place to stay beacuse no matter what he would have my back and i will always have his weather if it was in class or a fight with a kid he was always there to back me up. He as been there for most of my life until i moved away from reno but he is still here helping me by leting me stay at his house for a week or two when i just have to get away from all the stress of life.
My third hero would be my girlfriend she is always there to listen and helps me get throgh the hard times of my life. she encureges me to do good in school keep active and get all my work done and i do the same for her. she cares for me when im sick or hurt and is always there by my side. She know how to make me happy when im down and sad or cool me down when im mad or staiten me out if im confused
These are my heros beacuse they all care for me and want me to the best i can in life.
my second hero is my friend from reno beacuse he is always there for me when ever i need help with a problem or if i need a place to go if need a place to stay beacuse no matter what he would have my back and i will always have his weather if it was in class or a fight with a kid he was always there to back me up. He as been there for most of my life until i moved away from reno but he is still here helping me by leting me stay at his house for a week or two when i just have to get away from all the stress of life.
My third hero would be my girlfriend she is always there to listen and helps me get throgh the hard times of my life. she encureges me to do good in school keep active and get all my work done and i do the same for her. she cares for me when im sick or hurt and is always there by my side. She know how to make me happy when im down and sad or cool me down when im mad or staiten me out if im confused
These are my heros beacuse they all care for me and want me to the best i can in life.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

In the story of Beowolf between the battles of Grendal and grendals mother. Beowolf uses his armor and wepons to aid him with the chain main vest and sword. He taps in to the powerful aspects that a humman can obtain when scared or in trouble. With this combinathion of steal and iorn, with the power of the humman body he beats both grendal and grendals mother. During the battle of grendals mother beowolf takes a heavy blow to body. The blow to the body helped him relize what his limits are and how much he can take while fighting. He also has the help of his men that chaerd him on while he fought the grendals. He also discovers his strength in the first battle with grendal. When he rips off grendals arm to save his own life.He got the strength to do this by being scared and haveing lots of adrenalen runing through his body. He also gets strenght by eating his enimies for strength. He gos and fights these monsters because with every kill he gets more fame and weath. As he goes along his battles get harder and harder but with each battle he keeps learning and learning.
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