Monday, June 1, 2009

A Heros Journey

In the movie star wars return of the jedi both luke and anakin (vader) had a heros journey In the movie they have a race aginst time to destroy a shild around the new death star. They have to destroy the generator on the moon that it is orbiting and when they succsed and befor it gets destroyed luke and vader have a fight and luke trys to perswade him to come back to the dark side. and vader trys to perswade luke to come to the dark side.

For luke's journey it was a quest to find his father and bring him back to the good side and resiting the temtation to go to the dark side. Over all he resists the dark side and stays on the good but almost loses his life to the emperor but all his perswasion saves his life his father (vader) throws the emperor of the edge and they get out of the death star befor it explodes and luke spend the last few seconds with his father befor he dies.

For vader's journey it was fighting the dark side for his life but he gave in when he was a young man. In this movie his journey was to try to get his sun luke to join the dark side or kill him. After luke tryed to kill him vader got his and cut off and gave in. so the emperor went to kill luke and luke was saying please give in to the good i know it is there. so finally after luke was about to die vader picks up the emperor sacraficeing his life by takeing the attack from lick to him self. He finally throws the emperor over the edge and is near his death. He spends his last few minutes as good with luke.

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