Friday, February 20, 2009

What compermises were made?

Yestuday febuary 19th the goverment passed the 41 billion dollor buget gap. This caused big dilimas before they decided to pass the bill. They hade to face the fact the parents will receive fewer tax benefits, and state university students will pay 9 percent more in tuition. Which could cause many students to not go or drop out becuase its to expesive to go. say if they are paying 10,000 dollors a year they would now pay 900 more each year to go thats a big difference when u have to pay for it your self.

Schools are going to be hit hard yet agian teachers will have to be cut and and bugets will be cut. They will have to cram more students in one room so they can lessen the classes Arnold is trying his hardest to dig us out of this finaclial crisis and has been there for us in the 2003 crisis so i think he can but it will hurt many people in the prossece so this whole bill is on big compermise because they are compermiseing people to dig the state out of debt.

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