Monday, April 27, 2009

Family's fight aginst pic's

In this artical it talks about a 18 year old girl that lost her life in a car accident and the family is getting herased by pictures from every direction. She crashes a 911 prosche at 100 miles and hour into a cement toll both. People around the area keep sending the family pictures of their near decapitated daughter and the family is liveing in fear of seeing these pictures.

I think they should win the legal battle but they never will becuse of the free speach. I mean you cant get every one that knows what happened to shut up about it or stop posting picture's If this was one of my family member and every one heraserd me i think i would take it really hard at first and then relize that people in the world can be complete jerks and i would learn to ignore them.

I think that they should filter the inter net for people who chose to have it filterd becuase not every one in the world will want that so every who does should get a filter box or something. People who chose to look at this arnt nesasarly bad people just corious and when to see what happens.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

This artical talks about earth day and how we only celabatrait it once a year and that people dont even relize we have earth day. I think we should keep earth day and just show people that it exsists so that more can come and help the ones that already do.

I think the wrighter is correct becuase if people are staring to relize that we do not need earth day to keep the earth green people are starting to just take care of the earth. So when earth day comes around no one relizes it is earth day and if they do that dont change the way they do anything becuase they already help

My family hardly dose any thing we do not recycal i try to use less water and electrcity. we do recycle one thin witch is cans from soda but we dont get that much but at least its something.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Things not to learn in school

In school you learn many things but there are a few you need to not learn. Like you only need to get 70% my freshman year i learnd this becuase my parents wanted me to at least to get a C and not worse so i learn all i have to do is get 70% or better and im good. After that year i saw that what i learnd was bad so i tried to turn that around and it took me a few years to get where i wanted to be it was a big mistake to learn that 70% is ok because in real life you wont servive.

The second thing i learnd that i shouldnt have was you only need to know what's on the test. Teachers have told me all through out my high school test that you only need to know a certian part of the test. THis has been true but in real life it wont be test i have to take wont be just on one thing it will be on every thing and about anything on it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One

This artical talks about a story in the 1920's and how the great depresion affected every one. Also it talks about how our hard times are here and what we can try to do or get from the past to help us in the present. People are freking out and dont know what to do. What they need to do is talk to the paresnt who have lived in the times of the great depression and figure out what they did to servive.

People now are loseing thier jobs homes and all in all just down sizeing this is a good thing to do when you dont have enough money to really pay for every thing you need. People are cuting back on necencials TV phones and Internet to save money. People are also cuting back on expensive food going out to eat or useing alot of water or lots of lights.

My family has lost our house and have moved around lots of times but we have cut back on food water we have no TV but we have internet and phones becuse thats something we need. We have downsized from 5 arcers down to not even half of and acer so we have cut back on many thing to help us in this economic time. We also have gotten a room mate to pay for half the rent and utilitys to help us pay and survie in this hard economic time.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Piracy law cuts internet traffic

This artical is about a law that allows companies to go after people who can take or share folders and steal movies befor they are realeased and music befor its released. They just look at the computer that downloaded it and look at there ip adress and bam you know where they are but people are starting to figure out how to block there ip adress so it is unregistered.

If the united states takes on this law i think it may slow internet use by alot until people figure out how to block there ip adress and make it private once again but if they dont if will stop alot of people that can figure it out becuse frineds share cd music files movies and they all use lime-wire. I think people wont be able to stop from trying to share files and they will find ways around the law to be able to share them becuase lime-wire is part of a tenagers life.

Intellectual property is legal property right over a song movies bussiness ect to try to protect their producy.. This is important becuase when people buy thier product and they put it on lime-wire or a file shareing website that person loses intellectual property becuase they are buying it and then giveing it away for free after they make sure they have the product.