Thursday, January 22, 2009

Favorite movie of 2008

Iron man was my favorite movie of 2008. I like iron man because of the way they used tecnology to create a suit that hade imanginable power and was able to fly shoot missles and more. I think they put the movie to gether really well exept for one thing which was how the story line went on. I thought it was to predictable and the next seen was to easy to figure out, Other than that is was a great movie. I thought the actor that palyed Iron man was a good actor for that movie. My faviorite part of the movie is the part at the beginging when they make the prototype of the suit with just bare nissentioals and makes rocket boots out fo missels that he was souposed to didesemble. I also liked the part where he trys new stuff like pushing the suit to its limits by flying hi up into the atmosepher and then when it fails he finds a way to solve his problem.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Speech

Barack obama was sworn in yesturday and gave a 20 minuite speech on how he will help us the people of the united states fix our problems that have been left behind. In his speech he said "this is a new era of respnsobility" Witch means it is his time to go and try to fix every thing that is going wrong from the national level down to the personal level.

First of with nationally barack obama is planning on bring our troops home from Iraq.He is also planing to help the people there. To help them learn how to start to defending them sleves insted of sending thousnds of troops to do it for them. Hopefuly buy bringing the troops home this will help the economy buy not haveing a war fund. Barack obama also wants to try to fix the problem our country because it is going in with the finatial crisis.

In the local part he wishes to help all states with grants for finatial aids for students that cant afford college and not them them slip away. The grants that are being given away are starting to lesson and dissaper so barack is going to try every he can do to try and make the economy stable again. He also dosnt want any one state to go dawn and start draging the rest with them.

Finally for the personal level is the job unenployment level Witch is droping lower and lower but if the grants help get fixed so more people can go to college more people can get higher level degrees witch will help lower unemployment because now there a lot of people takeing the low level jobs and not going to college so it sorts the hi level jobs and stops teens from geting jobs to help pay for college so in the end its a big cain of unemployment that needs to be fixed.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

school capable of imparting life lessons

Thsi artical is about Douglas Soccio and how he apreciates all the people that work on school grounds and may not get the apreaciation they deserve.

In many ways people on the school grounds have hard jobs that no ones apreciates them for like the janitors. They have to go around and fix all the problems that may occur on school grounds. They pick up trash wash tables clean bathrooms that kids may destroy and just because this happens they dont quit because they love what they do and there happy. I think they deserve alot more appresation then they get.

This is the same with all other people that work on school grounds they have a job they may be tought but they love what they do. We have the cooks in the cafateria the teachers bus drives ect. they all work really hard and dont get alot of apreation when they work but they still love to do it.

In school you have the impuless to go out and do what you want insted of being stuck at home doing home work or a big project but kids need to learn that education needs to come befor fun if they just sit down and do there work and get it done they can go out the next day or when they are free of homework or project but if you wait till the last miniute they get done sloppy and done wrong. In freshman year i always put friends befor work and always had to rush. That put me in a huge hole that i could not get out of and for hanging with my friends for a day i get punished with bad grades parents yelling at me ect. So in the long run just get your work done.

Another good example that i have improved on is comeing to school in my first 2 years of high school i always went places with my parents and missed alot of school all the time but in the past 2 years of high school i have hardly missed any school. I noticed that missing school was way to much work to catch back up and i aslways just wanted to go cuz i got to miss it but now i see that it is very import to be here as much as u can to learn as much as you can in the days you have.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Hamlet was a crazy cofused person set on geting revenge on his uncle Because the gost said the he killed hit father. He trys on killing his unlce but in a tragic fail he ends up killing polonius. He is in love with ophelia and wont admit it. Hamlet is a victium of cercumstance because he has done nothing wrong but accidently kill polonius. Hamlet dosnt do much in the book he trys taking revenge on his uncle but other than that he his pretty lazy. Hamlet dose not want to take the thrown for lust of power he just dose not want his uncle takeing it from him after he finds out what he did to his father. No hamlet is not a person of exceptinal insight and intellegence. Yes hamlet is in the grip of insanity he is compley insane about killing his unlce and takeing his revenge.